Povera.com Resources

There are so many resources available for the study of art and art history that listing even a measurably small fraction of what is available is impossible. No list could ever be complete. Also unfortunately, like most broad subject areas, many of the available resources may not live up to our hopes and expectations. Some are very well presented and useful, while others are just plain unhelpful.

Keeping this in mind, the following resource materials and links represent some of the best and most helpful titles that I have used over the years.

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bulletWeb Sites


bulletPovera Stuff at Cafepress

bulletMedieval (King Arthur Arts)

Fugli TrollPlease note that some of these resources are presented with special links to places where you can purchase them online. Some of these links could potentially generate some revenue for me if you purchase the items through the link provided. Please keep in mind that the deciding factor of whether to list something or not is not governed by cash flow, but rather any potential money involved in a listing is secondary to the potential benefits of the materials listed. Still, I would appreciate it if you did purchase the products that I have taken the time to present through these links.

If you do not find your favorite resource listed in these links, please send me an e-mail about the site you would like to see listed, including the URL. Please keep in mind that I am not posting these links just to support your individual site, but rather to offer diverse resources to artists everywhere. So if I cannot find art resources listed on the site at the URL that you send me, I will not be listing it.

It is customary to exchange links under these circumstances. Please feel free to link to povera.com in any manner that you like. If you prefer a graphic link, please use this one:
