
Music from the Saints
Saints, Sinners and Shopping
St. John Praise Team
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Saint's Singers, and Songwriters

Huzzah Worship

Unfortunately this CD collection is no longer offered as a physical disk, except directly from me. Amazon no longer offeres this collection in their store, and it is no longer being manufactured except by me personally. Please feel free to listen to it and purchase the digital version through

One of the things that I enjoy doing is performing at Renaissance and Medieval Faires. I perform under the stage name of Fugli, an ancient Norse name that means "little bird." Interspersed among my faire repertoire are several Christian oriented songs and melodies. some I have written, and others come straight out of the hymnal.

The Huzzah collection is a sort of "what if" exercise. What if the "WoW" Christian Music CD collections had existed several hundred years ago? How might they sound? What sorts of songs might be included?

So if you are partial to medieval church humor, and you like things like Gregorian Chant, and hymn melodies played on harps and bodhrans, this is my personal collection of just that. If you are inclined toward more contemporary music, please just smile and move along. (In which case you may wish to sample Antiephemeral or Playing in the Water.)

Spirit Wind, a song about the day of Pentecost, is one of the songs from this collection that I wrote. A more modern sounding recording of this song is also present on the CD Playing in the Water.

Another one of the songs from this collection is the Reformation Polka. The words are not my own, but instead were written by Robert Gebel. It recounts some of Martin Luther's life.

The track listing for this CD is as follows:

The Inquisition
Jesu Christe
St. Edith
Be Thou My Vision
Crazy Leo's
Pater Noster
The Reformation Polka
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Llyn Onn
Divine Inspiration
New Britain
Spirit Wind
A Special Blessing

This simple video of just me playing "Be Thou My Vision" actually uses the basic words and phrasing found on my Antiephemeral CD, although much less "produced." This song also appears on Huzzah, but it sounds more like a chant there, and the lyrics are a little different.


Playing in the Water

A Gift of Christmas Music

Huzzah Worship
Il Est Né
Il Est Né

Mythtery Playing:
A Christmas Album

A Celebration of the Nativity